Archived resources links

This is an archive of resource links from earlier years. Our current Resources page is here.

Syria: Developments and limitations in UK policy since 2011
Report by the Secretariat to the All-Party Parliamentary Group Friends of Syria, 27 February 2017.

After Aleppo: Civilian areas targeted by pro regime forces
Report by the Secretariat to the All-Party Parliamentary Group Friends of Syria, 2 January 2017.

Syria: Humanitarian intervention outside the Security Council
Report by the Secretariat to the All-Party Parliamentary Group Friends of Syria, 5 December 2016.

Tracking aircraft for accountability in Syria
On UK capabilities to track Assad regime and Russian aircraft in Syria. September 2016.

Syria Between Dictatorship and ISIS: What can the United Kingdom do?
Policy proposals for UK domestic and foreign policy on Syria, Rethink Rebuild Society 2015.

A Step towards Justice: Current accountability options for crimes under international law committed in Syria
By Mark Lattimer, Shabnam Mojtahedi, and Lee Anna Tucker, Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights / Syria Justice and Accountability Centre 2015.

‘Peacebuilding defines our future now’ – A study of women’s peace activism in Syria
By Razan Ghazzawi, Afra Mohammad, and Oula Ramadan. Badael Foundation 2015.

Strategies for Change Conference
Report on WILPF conference in Istanbul convening members of grassroots women’s groups from across Iraq and Syria, 26–28 January 2015. Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom 2015.

See also: Humanitarian Policy Resources page.