Issue No. 10 of Syria Notes is out, on the siege of Daraya, on the rise of local councils, on Afghan fighters recruited by Iran, and on how Jabhat Al Nusra gains from a failing ceasefire.

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Syria Notes No. 10: 17 May 2016 – view and download PDF
  • Messages from Daraya Council
    Daraya Council calls on the UK for humanitarian air drops
  • The UN and ICRC’s deadly mistakes
    Mansour Omari
  • About Daraya Council
    Background on the Local Council of Daraya City
  • The rise of Syria’s local councils
    Robin Yassin-Kassab and Leila Al-Shami
  • An Afghan migrant in Iran tells of his time as a fighter in Syria
    Kobra Akbari
  • Iranian losses in Syria
    From EA WorldView’s Iran Daily blog
  • A failing peace process benefits Jabhat Al Nusra
    Hassan Hassan
  • Killings back to same pace as before the ceasefire
    Syrian Network for Human Rights